Prevention Education and Outreach contact form Book a workshop with New Hope! One of our Education team members will be in touch with you soon. (Please note that our educators need at least two to four weeks' notice for workshops.) Today's Date : Date Requested : Backup Date : Time Requested (ex: 6-8pm) : Company/Organization/School/Group Name : Primary Contact Person : Phone Number : Your Email : Best Contact Name and Phone Number for day of Outreach: Type of Outreach to Provide : —Please choose an option—TableYouth EducationProfessional DevelopmentOther Topic(s) : —Please choose an option—Clothesline ProjectSafe DatesMVPBullying PreventionHealthy Relationships/Teen Dating ViolenceConsent 101Bystander's RolesLGBQ/T and SV/DVOlder Adults and SV/DVDomestic Violence 101Sexual Violence 101Domestic Violence and the WorkplaceCivil Service TrainingHealthcare TrainingOther Location for Outreach (full address) : Attendees (Who will be attending? About how many people will be there?) : Outreach Space (i.e.: classroom, conference room, lecture hall, cafeteria, etc) : Any additional needs, accommodations, concerns, or questions : How Did You Hear About New Hope ? : OnlineWord of mouth/friend/co-workerUsed our servicesAnother Training/WorkshopJane Doe, Inc.Social MediaOther