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New Hope Success Stories

SANE Success Story

On a recent medical advocacy call, we responded to a young woman who had been sexually assaulted and presented in the ER as combative and very difficult.  She had a long history of extreme trauma and bodily injury which resulted in her needing many medications, which had been stolen from her during the assault.  As the kit progressed she continued to escalate and become more and more combative, making statements like “no one cares about me” and that she was very alone in the world.  Hearing this, the SANE nurse and New Hope’s advocate assured the young woman that they both cared for her well-being and wanted her to be safe.  Within moments of hearing and understanding those words the client was able to calm down, and started to tear up, thanking the nurse and advocate, finally realizing she was safe and in good hands.  Because of this, she was able to finish the kit and report to police and get to a location where she was safe.

Counseling Success Story

Counseling has been working with many teen clients.  In group supervision the team has discussed how to engage this age group in counseling as well as support the teen with challenging dynamics in the family.  ‘Staff” and ‘Staff’ both worked with teens who have begun to discuss and process the abuse they have endured.  A client, a teen girl sexually assaulted by her boyfriend, has started to open up to ‘Staff’ about her fears regarding an upcoming criminal case.  Because of this, ‘Staff’ is able to assist in preparing the teen for the hearing.  ‘Staff’ client came to session and shared a written list of the types of abuse he experienced.  He told ‘Staff’, “I wish we had more time to work together,” demonstrating the significance of the counseling relationship in his life.

Counseling Success Story

‘Staff’ began working with a client in the spring of 2013.  This client came to New Hope emotionally overwhelmed after ending an abusive relationship with her daughter’s father.   She had also been in a car accident and was suffering from multiple physical injuries.  In the beginning of counseling the client struggled to get through sessions without crying and expressed difficulty working, parenting, and managing her legal case regarding custody.  With the emotional support of her counselor, her mood improved and she was able to return to work.  She also became more organized and focused on her legal case and engaged in parenting.  After completing twelve sessions with ‘Staff’, she reengaged with New Hope to obtain services for her young daughter.  ‘Staff’ began working in collaboration with this mother to focus on the child.  The emotional stabilization work with mom created the foundation needed to be a more active parent.  This client now works, lives independently and feels more positive about herself as a mom.

 SAFEPLAN Success Story

Recently we were able to help a male client, whose wife had been threatening to kill him. She was having a severe mental breakdown, but also had a severe alcohol problem. She had access to knives within their marital home and had been known to place them all around the house. The couple also has a severely handicapped daughter, whom the plaintiff was very concerned for her safety with his wife in the house, and having such a mental health breakdown. He called the police one day, when she had a drunken fit of rage in their home. When the police arrived, it took several officers to subdue her, but because she was extremely intoxicated, she was transported to the hospital for crisis watch. They advised the husband to get a restraining order, so he came to the court and applied. I was able to help him with his paperwork, and stood before the judge with him. I was also able to refer him to several agencies, including New Hope, for counseling, and other services. His wife was also later committed under a section 15 and kept sent to a psych ward. The client and his daughter are currently safe, and receiving much needed services. He was very thankful for my help, and said he would not have been able to do it, had I not been there.

SAFEPLAN Success Story

“Client” is an immigrant who came to court for a restraining order against her husband. He had been extremely abusive to her leaving her with bruises all over her body.  He told her that if she told anyone, he would have her deported and she would not be able to see her children ever again. The SAFEPLAN Advocate helped “Client” to fill out the proper paperwork to obtain the order and accompanied “Client” before the judge. The SAFEPLAN Advocate gave “Client” information about   attorneys who could help her to obtain a special visa so that she could keep her children, stay in the country, and no longer be under her husband’s control. She also gave “Client” information to get into a shelter with her children and to get financial assistance. The advocate encouraged “Client” to try to continue her education on-line as her husband was trying to prevent her from being educated. “Client” got into shelter and signed releases with several agencies to give permission to speak with the SAFEPLAN Advocate. The advocate conferred repeatedly with these agencies by telephone to help “Client” meet her immediate needs.  When “Client” came to court for the 10 day hearing, the SAFEPLAN Advocate encouraged her to ask the judge to order her husband to hand over her and her children’s passports as well as her marriage certificate because her husband had been withholding these from her. The judge granted “Clients” request and gave her a one year order.  “Client” thanked the SAFEPLAN Advocate repeatedly and said she had no idea of her rights and couldn’t have gone through the process without the SAFEPLAN Advocate’s help.

 TLP Client Quote

“I hereby want to give thanks to the program for giving me the support I received during this time which I would not know what would have been of my life if I had not met people like you. I do not have anything to pay you back. I don’t know what I would have done without your help. Thank you for believing in me when few people did, I think that is why many woman are silent and do not report abuse for fear of not being believed, as the justice requires an unlimited number of proof that a woman really was abused makes it difficult to get woman only think about saving their lives and that of their children.” TLP CLIENT

TLP Client Quote

“Thank you for everything from the beginning to the end of this program. I had the best Christmas and the best time of my life. Because without you we would never be here. Thank you for making it possible for my family to be here. Have a great time with the next people like us. Sincerely your friend.” TLP CLIENT



Safety Exit